Privacy Policy for Mentorship Matters Application

This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, storage, use and disclosure of Personal Information we receive from users of the Mentorship Matters application (the "MM App").

1. Who we are

SKILLPLAN, MENTORSHIP MATTERS and the MENTORSHIP MATTERS logo and associated trade- marks and copyright are owned by BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council ("SkillPlan") and used under license in the Improving Performance through Mentorship project (the "Project"). SkillPlan reserves all rights in respect of the MM App and related intellectual property resulting from the Program. SkillPlan is a non-profit society governed by the B.C. Societies Act, and has an office at 4170 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, B.C., V5C 6C6.

2. What we collect

We collect personal information from MM App users to track how you are applying the mentorship skills and strategies you learned in the Mentorship Matters workshops to your tasks on the job. We collect the following information about you:

We also collect data from the information you enter when signing up, when completing goals, tasks and questionnaires, uploading images, and when you, your mentor or your supervisor submit text and feedback. We also track your usage when you open the MM App and click through various areas. When the MM App is used, we may also collect information about the device being used, including its IP address, the type of operating system, the time the MM App is being used, and the device's location.

3. How information is collected, stored and used

The MM App is hosted by Amazon Web Services Inc. ("AWS") at its servers located in Canada. Please read the AWS terms of use and privacy policy. Other than passwords, we do not store data in encrypted or hashed format. We use the secure HTTP protocol to transmit data between the MM App and the host servers.

Who has access to your data and at what level when the MM App is used:

4. Why we collect information

We want to know how your day-to-day mentorship practices affect your job performance, assessed through SRDC follow-up surveys that you will receive through your company in the future. We want to collect the following information in order to link your mentorship data collected through the MM App with your job performance data collected through the surveys:

We may send emails to your email address for the purpose of enabling you to sign up for the MM App and complete your account setup.

5. Contact us

Contact to obtain access to your collected personal information, request its deletion, or submit a comment, question, or complaint.